The Arkenstone
The Arkenstone started when Dr. Robert Lavinsky first discovered his passion for minerals when he was only 14 years old. He was one of the first dealers to create a significant online mineral presence and has continued to contribute to significant changes in the industry. Currently, The Arkenstone is one of the largest companies in the hobby. You can find them online at www.iRocks.com, at the world’s largest mineral shows, or their galleries in Dallas, Texas and Shanghai, China.

The Collector’s Edge Minerals, Inc.
One of the world’s premier sources for exquisite, collector-quality mineral specimens, the Collector’s Edge has operated numerous large and small-scale mining projects, purchased many significant private mineral collections, and has developed mine-direct sources for mineral specimens all around the globe.
At its mineral showrooms in Golden, Colorado, the Collector’s Edge features ever-changing displays of fine mineral specimens. For more information, visit www.collectorsedge.com.

Dallas Mineral Collecting Symposium
The Dallas Mineral Collecting Symposium is one of the top educational experience for mineral dealers, collectors, and enthusiasts across the globe. Featuring world-renowned speakers who cover a wide range of topics, the symposium provides a learning opportunity for the newest and most experienced collectors while also giving mineral lovers the chance to mingle and socialize. For more information, visit www.dallassymposium.org.

The Tucson Gem & Mineral Society
A community committed to geology, mineralogy, lapidary and allied earth sciences, the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society, Inc. is a non-profit organization, established in 1946 by a small group interested in mineral knowledge and appreciation. In addition to presenting the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, the organization hosts society events, educational classes and field trips, and supports local mineral museum collections and the promotion of mineral knowledge. For more information, visit www.tgms.org